Creative Uses of the Historical Documents under the Carleton-In-China Program


Creative Uses of the Historical Documents under the Carleton-In-China Program


The purposes of historical documents (text and photographs) are to preserve the past and also serve as primary resources to understand the life and the society at a moment in time; the additional text materials give more context to the details of the old photographs. An early example: in the November of 2010, the Fenyang Municipal Government and their Archival Agency produced a replicate of ‘Fenyang Tiě Shuāng Yàn’ [汾阳铁双雁], based upon one 1937’s old photograph and Fenzhou magazines housed at Carleton College Archives.

This poster is designed to showcase exemplary uses of our unique materials, since 2021. A portion of 1937~1939 old photographs were digitized in 2020 and later two alumni's correspondences with Carleton faculty, the family members and friends were digitized later in 2023-2024. With four-year cloud-sourcing collaboration with experts in China and US, the Archives and the Library have gained more meaningful knowledge and the historical significance. To our surprise, in return, local historians, museum staff, and old photo enthusiasts in China have had very creative uses, beyond traditional methods. For instance,
• teaching
• exhibit
• academic research
• historical district restoration
• memorial event
• storytelling through social media
• and local history studies
• etc.

I hope our presentation will encourage others to utilize historical documents and to creatively share with their intended audience.


Liu-Spencer, Hsianghui; Leng, Xinyi; Fu, Wei-Hsin


Chinese American Librarians Association






eng, chi


Text; Poster

Alternative Title

《卡尔顿在中国项目》-- 历史文献的创意运用



這張海報旨在展示自2021 年以來對我們獨特材料的示範性使用。 2023 年至2024 年我們將更多文字材料數位化。透過與四年的雲端合作,檔案館和圖書館獲得了更多有意義的知識和歷史意義。令我們驚訝的是,作為回報,中國當地的歷史學家、博物館工作人員和老照片愛好者在傳統方法之外,進行了非常有創意的用途。例如,
• 教學
• 展示
• 學術研究
• 歷史街區修復
• 紀念活動
• 透過社群媒體說故事
• 和地方歷史研究
• etc.



42 x 34 in.

Bibliographic Citation

Liu-Spencer, Hsianghui, Leng, Xinyi, & Fu, Wei-Hsin. (2024). Creative Uses of the Historical Documents under the Carleton-In-China Program. The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference 2024 poster session. June 30, 2024. 劉湘蕙、冷心一、Weihsin Fu,卡尔顿学院. (2024). 《卡尔顿在中国项目》-- 历史文献的创意运用. 美国华人图书馆协会海报发表会议,2024年6月30日.

Position: 343 (306 views)


Carleton in China poster - CALA 2024-06-24.pdf
Carleton in China poster - CALA 2024-06-24 中文版.pdf


Hsianghui Liu-Spencer, “Creative Uses of the Historical Documents under the Carleton-In-China Program,” CALASYS - CALA Academic Resources & Repository System, accessed February 12, 2025,