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  • Tags: UCF

Analyzing and Enhancing CMC Biography Subject Headings for Race and Gender

Dr. Rudine Bishop's theory "Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors" explains that children need to see themselves reflected in books and learn about the lives of others. With equity, diversity, and inclusion in mind and to improve access to the…

Position: 623 (176 views)

Improvisation in Improbable Times: Pivoting to a Tele-Reference Service Model

This presentation is going to introduce an innovative reference service model – Tele-Reference, which was developed and implemented by the University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Continuity of service…

Position: 221 (338 views)

Bridging the Gap between Library Services in Academic Libraries Worldwide: A Visiting Librarian Model

This article discusses an experience of the University of Central Florida (UCF) Library when hosting a visiting librarian from Tongji University Library in Shanghai, China, in 2015. Unlike most other visiting programs in the U.S., UCF's hosting…

Position: 46 (420 views)

Creating a Knowledge Map for the Research Lifecycle

Presented at the Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR) 2014 Workshop. Co-located with ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2014, 8th - 12th September 2014, London.

Position: 363 (302 views)

Redefining scholarly services in a research lifecycle

The shifting landscape of scholarly communication and lack of a university wide institutional repository led the University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries to develop a unique approach to supporting faculty and student research and scholarship.…

Position: 182 (350 views)