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CALA Members Global Library Engagement: A Reflection on CALA Members Participation in Chinese Library Annual Conferences

2023 ALA Chicago_Huang.pdf
The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA), officially established in 1973, is committed to establishing closer relationships and collaborations with national and international library organizations such as ALA, IFLA and the Library Society…

Position: 649 (160 views)

Promoting Library Advocacy, Diversity, Family Literacy, and Global Outreach

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) is an ALA affiliate. In the 2011 Poster Session at the Diversity and Outreach Fair, CALA will showcase its mission, programs and services to diverse people of all ages, with emphasis on its library…

Position: 25 (431 views)

Inspiration and Participation: Promoting Diversity within the Organization and Beyond

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) is an ALA affiliated ethnic librarian association. The value of diversity is essential to the accomplishment of its mission, objectives, and strategic goals. This poster session will present how CALA…

Position: 121 (369 views)