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  • Tags: Survey

Improving the CALA's Social Media Experience: The First CALA Social Media Survey

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) currently uses three social media channels, CALA Facebook, WeChat, and YouTube. In order to improve their presence and better serve the CALA members, CALA's first social media survey was conducted at…

Position: 23 (447 views)

Involving Users in the Library Space Planning: a Case Study of a Branch Library in a Research University

As library functions are evolving, many academic libraries are redesigning or renovating their library space to meet the changing needs of their users. This case study describes how a branch library in a Canadian research university reached out to…

Position: 237 (335 views)

Scoping the Chinese American Librarians Association Services with a National Survey

CALA Assessment Survey Poster 2018_final.pdf
To make the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) a stronger organization and to serve its members more efficiently and effectively, CALA’s Assessment and Evaluation Committee designed an online survey and distributed it to all members…

Position: 16 (466 views)