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  • Tags: SQL query

Dynamic Map Display in Web OPAC: An Experiment at Wichita State University Libraries

Dynamic Map Display.pdf
Adding more features to the web OPAC or making the Integrated Library Management Systems (ILMS) more compatible to external web services has been a tendency in recent years. Wichita State University (WSU) Libraries' Dynamic Map Project enriched the…

Position: 169 (341 views)

Location and Shelf Mapping from OPAC Search Results: With Reference To Wichita State University

Purpose Ð The purpose of this paper is to examine dynamic mapping of holding locations to the animated maps in a library catalog which aims to resolve complex shelving situations, augment the user experience in locating library materials and enrich…

Position: 191 (333 views)

Beyond The OPAC: Creating Different Interfaces for Specialized Collections in an ILS System

Purpose - This paper aims to discuss the experiment in creating featured collection web sites from specialized data in the Voyager integrated library system (ILS). The specialized interfaces for different collections aim to offer flexible…

Position: 248 (318 views)