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  • Tags: Reference Services

Help-seeking in the academic library in the digital age: a review of the research and a conversation

2016 CALA MW_Burns_HelpSeeking In the Library.pdf
Asking for help with library research can be difficult for students for many reasons. In this presentation, I will discuss some of the research on the topic of help-seeking. Many students still use a traditional approach by talking to a librarian at…

Position: 168 (355 views)

Improvisation in Improbable Times: Pivoting to a Tele-Reference Service Model

This presentation is going to introduce an innovative reference service model – Tele-Reference, which was developed and implemented by the University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Continuity of service…

Position: 221 (338 views)

Leveraging Academic Library Information Commons for the 21st Century

With the rapid development of modern sciences and technologies, all kinds of data and information from heterogeneous resources can be dynamically accessed, converted and disseminated in the digital world. To meet the challenges of today's information…

Position: 242 (334 views)