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  • Tags: Public services

Building a Community with Virtual Programs: QPL’s Story During & After COVID-19 Pandemic

ALA Poster 2022_Hong.pdf
Stories from Queens Public Library. Poster presented at the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference 2022 poster session.

Position: 466 (247 views)

Diversity and sustainability in library exhibits

This poster will present on the sustainability and diversity of
Library Exhibits at UHM Hamilton Library. The poster will provide
examples of how cultural, social, historical and international themes
contribute to exhibit diversity. In addition,…

Position: 426 (266 views)

Diversity and sustainability in library exhibits for outreach and marketing

This paper discusses the diversity and sustainability of library exhibits at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library, and explores it as a means of marketing and outreach.

Position: 491 (237 views)

Improvisation in Improbable Times: Pivoting to a Tele-Reference Service Model

This presentation is going to introduce an innovative reference service model – Tele-Reference, which was developed and implemented by the University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Continuity of service…

Position: 203 (329 views)