Browse Items (5 total)
- Tags: Marketing
Promoting and teaching information literacy on the Internet: Surveying the websites of 264 academic libraries in North America
Tags: Academic Libraries, Bibliographic instruction, Information literacy, Library instruction, Library Web sites, Marketing, Promotion
Position: 238 (314 views)
Know Your Crowd: A Case Study in Digital Collection Marketing
Position: 170 (334 views)
Diversity and sustainability in library exhibits for outreach and marketing
Tags: Diversity, Exhibit diversity, Exhibits Committee, Library exhibits, Library outreach programs, Marketing, Public services, Sustainability
Position: 492 (229 views)
Diversity and sustainability in library exhibits
Library Exhibits at UHM Hamilton Library. The poster will provide
examples of how cultural, social, historical and international themes
contribute to exhibit diversity. In addition,…
Tags: Diversity, Exhibit diversity, Exhibits Committee, Library exhibits, Library outreach programs, Marketing, Public services, Sustainability
Position: 427 (259 views)
Restructuring an open access journal for LIS professionals: process, people, and plan
Tags: CALA publications, Editors, Marketing, Occasional Paper Series, Open access journal, ops, Peer-reviewed journal
Position: 454 (246 views)
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Three Keys
This is the second book in the Front Desk series. Mia Tang is the daughter of Chinese immigrants working and living at Calvista Motel. She tries to…