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  • Tags: Marketing

Diversity and sustainability in library exhibits

This poster will present on the sustainability and diversity of
Library Exhibits at UHM Hamilton Library. The poster will provide
examples of how cultural, social, historical and international themes
contribute to exhibit diversity. In addition,…

Position: 409 (285 views)

Diversity and sustainability in library exhibits for outreach and marketing

This paper discusses the diversity and sustainability of library exhibits at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library, and explores it as a means of marketing and outreach.

Position: 481 (254 views)

Know Your Crowd: A Case Study in Digital Collection Marketing

Digitized special collections and institutional repositories present unique challenges to libraries struggling to identify marketing strategies that will entice patrons to these services. These collections, which do not have the same mass appeal as…

Position: 169 (354 views)

Promoting and teaching information literacy on the Internet: Surveying the websites of 264 academic libraries in North America

A survey was conducted between July and November 2012 to determine how academic libraries in the United States and Canada marketed and delivered information literacy on the Web. A random sample of 264 institutions was taken from Peterson's Four-Year…

Position: 247 (332 views)

Restructuring an open access journal for LIS professionals: process, people, and plan

Occasional Paper Series (OPS) is one of the official publication platforms provided by the Chinese American Librarians Association overseas, the largest association of Chinese librarians, and an ALA affiliation. OPS is an open access and…

Position: 459 (265 views)