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  • Tags: Libraries in China

Rural and Urban: Two Private Children’s Libraries
A report of ongoing research in China

Rural and Urban Two Private Children Libraries.pdf
Project Genesis:

First experience: In 2011, a fellow Fulbright Scholar introduced Jon Jablonski to private children’s libraries in Wuhan. From 2014 to 2019, he visited 35 libraries in 14 cities.

Smiling Library introduction in 2017: while…

Position: 373 (287 views)

The Development of Digital Humanities and Academic Research in China: A Special Issue of Library Trends

Digital Humanities in China.pdf
The Library Trends is published quarterly for the iSchool by The Johns Hopkins University Press. Each issue explores critical trends in professional librarianship and includes practical applications, thorough analyses, and literature reviews. In the…

Position: 350 (293 views)

Building Family Branch in Rural Area: An Action to Create the Literary Village

Building Family Branches in Rural Areas.pdf
Both material resources and knowledge resources are insufficient in rural China. Therefore, the establishment of a family library branch in poor areas is not only an extension of the library services, but also an effective way to guarantee fair…

Position: 327 (299 views)