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- Tags: Librarian
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CALA Midwest Chapter 2002 Annual Program, Chicago
Photos of the annual program for Chinese American Librarian Association, Midwest Chapter, Chicago, 2002
Tags: Chinese American, conference, Event, Librarian, Libraries, Photos
Position: 165 (355 views)
Factors Influencing the Choice of Librarianship as a Career Among Students in Tanzania
This study examined factors influencing the choice of librarianship as a career among students in Tanzania. A quantitative research approach, the descriptive survey study design, was adopted for this study. Data was collected using online…
Position: 751 (121 views)
Giving to CALA: a Way to Celebrate its 50th Anniversary
CALA has reached a significant milestone, celebrating its 50th anniversary since its establishment in 1973. Over the years, CALA has provided a home for many librarians, particularly Chinese librarians, and has played a crucial role in fostering…
Tags: ALA Annual, CALA, CALA 50th Anniversary, Leadership development, Librarian, Poster presentation
Position: 660 (163 views)
The CUNY-Shanghai Library Faculty Exchange Program
The librarian exchange between The City University of New York (CUNY), Shanghai University, and Shanghai Normal University took place spring 2010-fall 2011. Eight faculty from each country participated. Discussion and dialogue with Chinese visiting…
Tags: Academic Library, American, Chinese, Exchange, Faculty, International, Librarian
Position: 196 (344 views)
Using internal grant to foster faculty-librarian collaboration
As colleges and universities begin to globalize their curriculums and to include global readiness in their institutional missions, New Jersey City University (NJCU) has provided grants that strongly encourage faculty and librarians to collaborate on…
Position: 299 (318 views)
Bridge Cultures and Promote Diversity: A Chinese American Librarian's Experience
What can a Chinese American librarian do to help promote diversity? This may not be a difficult question for Asian Studies librarians or librarians working in libraries whose patrons are mostly ethnic minorities. But for a Chinese American librarian…
Tags: Chinese American, Diversity, Librarian
Position: 83 (393 views)
Featured Item
The Fearless Flights of Hazel Ying Lee

Despite both gender and racial barriers during her time, Hazel Ying Lee was determined to fly. This charmingly illustrated and moving account details…