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  • Tags: International students

The Experience of International Students at Cross-Border University Libraries

This article describes the results of a small research study investigating international student library use and perceptions in a cross-border setting. The graduate degree program at the center of this study is a binational joint degree M.A. program…

Position: 929 (58 views)

Cultural Connections: Training Approaches for Incoming and Arriving International Students

The international student population defined as “a heterogeneous group of students whose common element is their status as well [as] their intention of attaining academic excellence in a country other than their home country” (Nwokedi, 2020),…

Position: 702 (130 views)

The English Conversation Group for International Students

The English Conversation Group (ECG) at the Leddy Library has been offering virtual sessions for the first time in the program’s history since the Fall 2020 semester during COVID-19 pandemic. Using virtual teaching technology, the ECG is trying to…

Position: 388 (284 views)

Celebrating diversity, welcoming the world: Developing a Chinese webpage at Rutgers University Libraries

Growing out of a recent project to create multilingual online Welcome pages at Rutgers University Libraries, this paper describes the project, from its origin to the public release of the first group of webpages, with a special emphasis on the…

Position: 303 (308 views)