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  • Tags: Institutional Repositories

Institutional repositories, open access and copyright: What are the practices and implications?

A number of factors are driving open access to full-text journals: constantly rising prices of journal and database subscriptions, granting agencies requirements for recipients to submit their research publications into open access repositories, and…

Position: 409 (285 views)

Building an institutional repository at a liberal arts college

Institutional repositories (IRs) are being used increasingly as infrastructures for self-created digital collections at large academic and research libraries. This paper demonstrates how a small liberal arts college can build an institutional…

Position: 320 (314 views)

The theory analysis of faculty participation in institutional repositories

Institutional Repositories (IRs) are an innovative mode of scholarly communication, and IRs’ diffusions will likely follow the general rule of innovation diffusion while maintaining their own characteristics. In order to provide a credible guide and…

Position: 44 (420 views)

Can we? Should we? Considerations When Selecting a Research Data Repository

In Spring of 2022, members of Technology and Resource Management at UHCL Libraries set out to assess internal data management policies. After surveying the data management landscape in academic libraries, we have created a set of considerations for…

Position: 510 (235 views)