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  • Tags: Collection development

Reading Preferences of Suburban Library Patrons

This is the first part of an on-going study examining the reading behaviors of adult library patrons. Using multiple years’ circulation statistics from four public libraries in the north suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, we try to identify the trends in…

Position: 782 (105 views)

Developing CALASYS in Celebration of CALA 50th

CALA Academic Resource & Repository System (CALASYS) is the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)’s institutional repository. It collects and archives CALA’s programs, documents and history, CALA members’ scholarly and professional…

Position: 596 (175 views)

ALCTS news report: 21st-century collection development strategies for media

It is an ALCTS news report on the ALA Annual Conference session "21st-Century Collection Development Strategies for Media".

Position: 540 (202 views)

Opening CALASYS to All Members

Since the Chinese American Librarians Association’s Academic Resources and Repository System (CALASYS, was initiated in 2013, its collections have grown gradually by way of the Committee’s curation and entries with…

Position: 6 (580 views)

Three Years of Unmediated Document Delivery : An Analysis and Consideration of Collection Development Priorities

Like most academic libraries, San José State University Library is struggling to meet users’ rising expectations for immediate information within the financial confines of a flat budget. To address acquisition of nonsubscribed article content,…

Position: 64 (393 views)