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  • Tags: COVID-19 Pandemic

Academic Libraries in Ghana and Their Strategies for Coping with the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic

In March 2020, institutions of higher education shut down in compliance with the directives of the President of Ghana to curb the spread of COVID-19. In July 2020, when the lockdown restrictions were eased, universities resumed teaching, learning,…

Position: 904 (82 views)

Ensuring Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing in Children through Bibliotherapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Experimental Approach

Sudden lifestyle changes and disruption necessitated by the COVID-19 precautionary measures resulted in children becoming frightened, bored, isolated and anxious which automatically posed a threat to their emotional and psychological wellbeing. These…

Position: 966 (56 views)

The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Library Service Delivery in Zimbabwe

The higher and tertiary education system was greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic leading to tremendous changes in service delivery in academic libraries. All the higher education stakeholders were affected including lecturers, students,…

Position: 946 (62 views)

COVID-19 and Philippine Academic Libraries

Background. Libraries have rapidly adapted their services and policies during the lockdown and have likewise adopted new initiatives. This study investigated on the impact of COVID-19 to academic libraries in the Philippines.

Objectives. The…

Position: 961 (57 views)

Virtualization of Research Data Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic as an Opportunity to Enhance Research Data Support

For Canadian academic libraries, the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated an unprecedented switch to virtual services. An abrupt halt to in-person activities required almost all libraries to utilize new technologies in order to continue…

Position: 961 (57 views)

CALA Members Global Library Engagement: A Reflection on CALA Members Participation in Chinese Library Annual Conferences

2023 ALA Chicago_Huang.pdf
The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA), officially established in 1973, is committed to establishing closer relationships and collaborations with national and international library organizations such as ALA, IFLA and the Library Society…

Position: 645 (169 views)

Building a Community with Virtual Programs: QPL’s Story During & After COVID-19 Pandemic

ALA Poster 2022_Hong.pdf
Stories from Queens Public Library. Poster presented at the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference 2022 poster session.

Position: 463 (264 views)