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  • Tags: CALA Midwest Chapter 2016 Annual Program

Information sec__ity , what’s missing? UR!

2016 CALA MW_Brown_sec--ity.pdf
Care to be aware! Stop by this session and get a brief introduction about information security and what role we all have in keeping information safe. Remember, Control + Alt + Delete when you leave your seat!

Position: 164 (347 views)

Engaging communities through conversations

2016 CALA MW_Kwong_EngagingCommunities.pdf
In 2015, The American Library Association (ALA) partnered with The Harwood institute for Public Innovation to offer the Public Innovators Lab for Libraries. By serving as a public innovator and having a better understanding of our communities, we not…

Position: 170 (345 views)

Help-seeking in the academic library in the digital age: a review of the research and a conversation

2016 CALA MW_Burns_HelpSeeking In the Library.pdf
Asking for help with library research can be difficult for students for many reasons. In this presentation, I will discuss some of the research on the topic of help-seeking. Many students still use a traditional approach by talking to a librarian at…

Position: 163 (348 views)

TensorFlow and its implications to libraries

TensorFlow, which stemmed from group research within Google, is a machine learning library made open source at November in the year of 2015. With TensorFlow, data flow chart can be constructed, and then executed after a session is launched.…

Position: 348 (297 views)

Designing flipped information literacy sessions with the Assessment-as-Learning Model

2016 CALA MW Annual _Yan He.pdf
This presentation will focus on how an information literacy librarian teamed up with a Biochemistry professor and designed two flipped information literacy sessions to teach undergraduates how to read and find primary literature. We used the…

Position: 177 (342 views)

A Job or a Career: How to market yourself to land on your dream job

2016 CALA MW_Qi Chen_How to find your dream job.pdf
What is your dream job? Different people will have different opinions of a dream job, more money, more conformable, more fitting your life style or …? Getting a dream job is your most important investment. You should plan your search very carefully…

Position: 160 (349 views)

Customize your search box for your patron

2016 CALA MW_Mingyan Li.pdf
The presentation showcases how to use OPAC search box builder to create and customize your own search box to serve specific group of audience or specific information needs. This approach will improve the accuracy and efficiency of information…

Position: 378 (289 views)

Thinking about the future: trends and signals for the library of the future

Thinking about the future of our profession and the communities that we serve can seem like a daunting challenge. But there are steps we can take right now – exploring the trends and signals we encounter in our everyday lives – that can help us begin…

Position: 305 (309 views)

An overview of “An Analysis Report of 2014 CALA Self-Assessment Survey”

CALA MidWest Annual_revised_2016May17.pdf
On the occasion of CALA’s 40th anniversary in 2014, the 2013 Board of Directors appointed a Self-Assessment Task Force to conduct an assessment survey with special focuses on members’ awareness of CALA’s organizational structure and policies, its…

Position: 418 (273 views)

Talking back to the public library: measuring and conceptualizing the little free library movement

2016 CALA MW_williams.pdf
In just one decade, North Americans and others have taken their own initiative to create and maintain an estimated 12,000-plus little free libraries right in their front yards. In the U.S., these “take a book, leave a book” boxes harken back 100…

Position: 328 (302 views)