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  • Tags: Assessment

Measuring an Academic Library’s Performance and Service: A Case Study in Georgia Southern University Library

This paper shares the Georgia Southern University Library’s experience of LibQUAL in user-centered and service-oriented academic learning environment. On the basis of reviewing the library literature on LibQUAL, this study presents the process of…

Position: 884 (91 views)

Assessing Use of Library Space

Libraries often focus their assessment efforts on resources, services and programming. Collection analysis is conducted regarding usage of the collection. Surveys are conducted regarding library instruction and/or programming. What about the physical…

Position: 326 (312 views)

Lessons learned from a two-year experience in information literacy assessment for general education courses

Information Literacy Assessment.pdf
Paper Presentation overview: From fall 2015 to spring 2017, librarians at the IU Kokomo Library collaborated with program directors in speech communication and writing programs to assess information literacy in the general education curriculum in…

Position: 864 (98 views)

Scoping the Chinese American Librarians Association Services with a National Survey

CALA Assessment Survey Poster 2018_final.pdf
To make the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) a stronger organization and to serve its members more efficiently and effectively, CALA’s Assessment and Evaluation Committee designed an online survey and distributed it to all members…

Position: 16 (465 views)

The Effectiveness of a University’s Single-Session Information Literacy Instruction

Purpose – The purpose of this paper it to determine the effectiveness of “single‐session” information literacy instruction as it was integrated into the curriculum of a general education course at Monmouth University, New Jersey.

Position: 112 (381 views)

Quantitative/Qualitative Analysis of Assessing Student Information Literacy Skills: The Power of Librarian-Faculty Collaborations

Librarians at the Moore Library of Rider University conducted a focus group with 12 undergraduate students during the summer of 2011 and modified an online test
used for determining students’ information literacy (IL) skills in required composition…

Position: 214 (340 views)

Faculty-Librarian Collaboration in Improving Information Literacy Skills of Educational Opportunity Program

Purpose – This study aims to examine the instruction of basic information literacy (IL) skills taught
to the socio-economically disadvantaged students in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at
Rider University in summer 2011. The study set…

Position: 156 (360 views)

Four Pedagogical Approaches in Helping Students Learn Information Literacy Skills

Rider University librarians heightened their collaboration with classroom faculty to teach students in core writing classes information literacy (IL) skills during IL instruction (ILI) sessions. This quasi-experimental study assessed four pedagogical…

Position: 135 (372 views)

Faculty-librarian collaboration in improving information literacy skills of educational opportunity program students

This study aims to examine the instruction of basic information literacy (IL) skills taught to the socio‐economically disadvantaged students in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at Rider University in summer 2011. The study set out to…

Position: 147 (365 views)