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  • Tags: Article

Libraries as gateways of learning and librarians as capable facilitators

Investigating and discussing how librarians in academic libraries change their roles and services following the changes in the libraries due to emerging technologies applied in the libraries.

Position: 70 (404 views)

Using web services for a mobile OPAC

Mang Sun, Fondren library at Rice University where he is the systems librarian.


Position: 374 (298 views)

Automated processing of massive audio/video content using FFmpeg

Li, Lingxia is Senior Systems Analyst at the National Library Board, Singapore; responsible for the developments involving the FFmpeg software.


Position: 261 (328 views)

Developing oral history in Chinese libraries


Position: 246 (332 views)

China boom : rural china in the 1980s

Yasheng Huang, Professor of Global Economics and Management at MIT Sloan School of Management, interviewed by Asia Society.


Position: 64 (407 views)