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  • Tags: ALA

A Tribute Resolution Recognizing the Chinese American Librarians Association’s 50th Anniversary

A Tribute Resolution Recognizing the Chinese American Librarians Association.pdf
American Library Association (ALA) Tribute Resolution recognizing CALA's 50th anniversary. The resolution was shared in the 2023 ALA Council meeting at ALA LibLearnX Conference in New Orleans. Attached photo shows that Lessa Pelayo-Lozada, 2022-23…

Position: 454 (255 views)

ALA - CALA Family Literacy Focus Project (2013-2015)

This is a capture of the ALA - CALA Family Literacy Focus Project (2013-2015)'s archived website. The original website was defacted by a cyberattack to CALA's server in 2015. This capture is from the best archived version of a rebuilt since the site…

Position: 313 (303 views)