Browse Items (978 total)
Establishing Archive Faculty Teaching and Research Profiles.
Tags: Presentation
Position: 124 (354 views)
The Integrated Library System’s APIs
Position: 44 (400 views)
The Many Meanings of Meilan
Position: 620 (158 views)
樓居小草: 一卷
Notes: 此本為《隨園三十種》中之《袁家三妹合稿》之零種. 序等4頁. 吟稿14頁. 隨園三〇種.
Preface: 前有汪孟翊序、袁枚序. 嚴長明題辭. 有扉頁, 刻「樓居小草題辭」.
Worktype: 別集.
InscriptionalVerse: 題「袁杼著」.
Tags: Chinese poets, Chinese women poets, Ming Qing Women's Poetry Collection, Qing poetry, Wikidata Chinese Culture and Heritage Group
Position: 537 (197 views)
Ming Qing Women’s Writings
Tags: CALA Speaker Series: Describing Chinese Rare Books and Cultural Heritage Collections, Chinese culture and heritage, Chinese women poets, Ming Qing Women's Poetry Collection
Position: 540 (195 views)
紅香館詩草: 一卷, 紅香館詩餘: 一卷
Preface: 蔡之定, 林培厚, 高鄂, 潘素心, 黃友琴, 翁瑛, 惲珠, 石黛卿
Colophon: 惲崇碩, 鄭汝楫, 蔣重申, 程孟梅, 宗梅
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 蔡之定, 林培厚, 高鄂, 潘素心, 黃友琴, 翁瑛序, 惲珠自序, 石黛卿後序, 妙蓮保小引, 許瓊鶴, 翁瑛, 王韞徽題詞
Contributors to afterword: 惲崇碩,…
Tags: Chinese poets, Chinese women poets, Ming Qing Women's Poetry Collection, Qing poetry, Wikidata Chinese Culture and Heritage Group
Position: 628 (155 views)
蘊真軒詩鈔: 二卷
Preface: 張裕犖
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 張裕犖
Contributors to afterword: 蔡永名
Tags: Chinese poets, Chinese women poets, Ming Qing Women's Poetry Collection, Qing poetry, Wikidata Chinese Culture and Heritage Group
Position: 718 (116 views)
女學言行纂: 三卷
Preface: 陸溶, 梁景璋, 蘇獻琛, 李履中, 伍鼎臣序, 自序及梁煒序
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 謝方端, 陶所池內
Tags: Chinese poets, Chinese women poets, Ming Qing Women's Poetry Collection, Qing poetry, Wikidata Chinese Culture and Heritage Group
Position: 713 (117 views)
讀史管見: 三卷
Notes: 1856年日本翻刻本
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 謝方端, 陶所池內
Tags: Chinese poets, Chinese women poets, Ming Qing Women's Poetry Collection, Qing poetry, Wikidata Chinese Culture and Heritage Group
Position: 499 (223 views)
Featured Item
Room to Dream
This is the third book in the Front Desk series. Mia Tang is the daughter of Chinese immigrants working and living at Calvista Motel. She tries to…