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  • Collection: 2018 CALA Annual Conference

Cultivating Pathways to a Fulfilling Career: Experience and advice from CALA Members

Sunday June 24, 1:15 – 3:15PM
Uptown 2 & 3 Le Meridien Hotel
New Orleans, LA
Whether you are starting off as a newbie, midway through with lots of experience, or a veteran who has seen it and done it all, to many achieving success and satisfaction…

Position: 625 (176 views)

How to Keep Sustainable Development of Central-Branch Library System from its Beginning in China -- Take Tianjin as an Example

CALAannual2018_poster_Xue Xiao.pdf
This poster explores the construction plan of the central-branch library system in Tianjin. The author uses in-depth interview, focus group interview, questionnaire and case study methods to get to know the present situation, problems and…

Position: 52 (417 views)

Study on User Satisfaction in University Libraries Based on SEM -- Take Changzhou University as an Example

Library is the significant information center of universities, and it is very useful to teachers, researchers and students. With the development of internet and information technology, the traditional services of the university libraries will be…

Position: 84 (396 views)

If We Build It, They Will Come: Improving CALA’s Institutional Repository

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)’s Academic Resources & Repository System (CALASYS) is an important initiative to curate its members’ research works, the organizational archival materials, and other cultural resources. CALASYS uses…

Position: 10 (509 views)

Building a Tag Library for the CALA’s Social Media Channels

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) has created several social media channels since 2012 with CALA members and friends participating from around the world, including the CALA's Facebook public page, WeChat space, YouTube Channel,…

Position: 35 (431 views)

Student Success, a Library Case in Supporting Student Success

Reynolds Libraries have offered a display of student projects called the “Reynolds Student Expo” for the past three years. Faculty from all disciplines and programs are invited to take part; they select their best student projects to represent their…

Position: 212 (342 views)

If You Build It, They will Use It: Creating Effective Course-level Library Guides

Bridging resources and users is one of the core responsibilities for a subject librarian in an academic library. A library research guide, which typically presents related resources and finding aids, is a straight way to link resources and users.…

Position: 220 (340 views)

Assess and Improve: A Case Study at Georgia Southern University Library

Method, Analysis, and Finding (Research): Case study method using surveys. (2) Description of Work in Progress, or Best Practice, or Innovative Services, or Community Development: Over the years, Georgia Southern University’s Henderson Library has…

Position: 146 (368 views)

Evaluating the Consistency and Quality of Search Strategies and Methodology in Cochrane Urology Group Systematic Reviews

(1) Method, Analysis, and Finding (Research): Sixty-five published Urology Group Cochrane Systematic Reviews (CSR) and Protocols (CSP) were downloaded from the Cochrane Library on September 15, 2016. A data form was created using Qualtrics consisting…

Position: 129 (376 views)

2018 CALA Annual Conference Poster Session: Showcase of Your Achievements

CALA Poster Session Announcemen_fullversion.pdf
Poster session hosted by the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) during its 2018 annual conference. The goal of the poster session is for its members to showcase, discuss and share achievements in research, work in progress, best…

Position: 40 (424 views)