Browse Items (10 total)

  • Collection: Li, Lili

Future of Academic Libraries in the Digital Age: Trends, Discovery and People in the Digital Age

Digital information is a constantly developing field. The first title in the Chandos Digital Information Review series, Trends, Discovery, and People in the Digital Age, summarises and presents key themes, advances and trends in all aspects of…

Position: 235 (322 views)

Scholarly Information Discovery in the Networked Academic Learning Environment

In the dynamic and interactive academic learning environment, students are required to have qualified information literacy competencies while critically reviewing print and electronic information. However, many undergraduates encounter difficulties…

Position: 247 (318 views)

Study of Smart Growth Initiatives Using GIS: The Case of Austin, Texas

This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Smart Growth Initiatives of the city of Austin, Texas using GIS and spatial analysis technologies. The preliminary results show some evidence of the usefulness of the initiatives.

Position: 195 (332 views)

Leveraging Quality Web-based Library User Services in the Digital Age

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore key issues involved with opportunities, challenges, and future developing trends of delivering dynamic and distributed web‐based academic library information resources, services, and instructions for…

Position: 428 (264 views)

Building the Ubiquitous Library in the 21st Century

On the basis of web-based library information architecture, this paper outlines the ubiquitous library’s most relevant concepts and features tied up with the internet platform. Utilizing successful library projects and applications from the real…

Position: 282 (310 views)

Emerging Technologies and Their Impacts on Academic Libraries, Librarians, and Library Services

This paper intends to overview most relevant emerging technologies and their impacts on academic libraries, librarians, and web-based library information services in the digital age.

Position: 211 (328 views)

Leveraging Academic Library Information Commons for the 21st Century

With the rapid development of modern sciences and technologies, all kinds of data and information from heterogeneous resources can be dynamically accessed, converted and disseminated in the digital world. To meet the challenges of today's information…

Position: 224 (325 views)

Enhancing Academic Library Information Literacy Instructions in the Digital Age

For over a decade, hundreds and thousands of researches have been made to initialize information literacy programs and leverage information literacy instructions. Facing up to the new information explosion in the digital age, many academic institutes…

Position: 422 (268 views)

Rethinking Information Literacy Instructions in the Digital Age

Over twenty years ago, the American Library Association (ALA) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy defined information literacy. Since then, numerous scholarly papers have been published which explored the best approaches for improving…

Position: 377 (286 views)

Emerging Technologies for Academic Libraries in the Digital Age

This book is written to promote academic strategic management and envision future innovations for academic library resources, services and instructions in the digital age. It provides academic executives, consultants, instructors, IT specialists,…

Position: 368 (288 views)