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  • Collection: 2022 CALA Annual Conference

Building Asian and Pacific American Library Leaders for the Future: A Panel Discussion (co-sponsored by APALA)

CALA President’s Program 2022 - Building Asian and Pacific American Library Leaders for the Future: A Panel Discussion (co-sponsored by APALA)
Date/Time: 6/25, Saturday, 11-1 pm ET (CALA Membership/Poster Session from 11-12 pm and CALA Panel…

Position: 719 (132 views)

Can we? Should we? Considerations When Selecting a Research Data Repository

In Spring of 2022, members of Technology and Resource Management at UHCL Libraries set out to assess internal data management policies. After surveying the data management landscape in academic libraries, we have created a set of considerations for…

Position: 510 (235 views)

Academic Libraries’ Support of Student Learning through Designing a Library-based Research Information Literacy Course

CALA 2022_Poster.pdf
This poster illustrates the process of designing a credit information literacy course as a viable alternative to the traditional one-shot library instruction mode. The poster showcases the significance of building a semester-long information literacy…

Position: 397 (289 views)

The English Conversation Group for International Students

The English Conversation Group (ECG) at the Leddy Library has been offering virtual sessions for the first time in the program’s history since the Fall 2020 semester during COVID-19 pandemic. Using virtual teaching technology, the ECG is trying to…

Position: 376 (297 views)

Building a Community with Virtual Programs: QPL’s Story During & After COVID-19 Pandemic

ALA Poster 2022_Hong.pdf
Stories from Queens Public Library. Poster presented at the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference 2022 poster session.

Position: 465 (263 views)

Enhance the Discovery and Interoperability of Culturally Rich Information: the Chinese Women Poets WikiProject

ALA 2022 poster v4.pdf
Traditionally, special collections such as culture and heritage collections and their name authority data were cataloged using local cataloging standards with limited data interoperability. The library community has questioned for a number of years…

Position: 21 (449 views)

Using Wikidata to Create Knowledge Graphs for Library Collections

As a Linked Open Data (LOD) platform for structured data, and a community-building knowledge base, Wikidata stores people, spaces, times and other entities, and their semantic relationships. Wikidata Knowledge graph is a knowledge base that…

Position: 251 (331 views)

An In-house Help Desk Ticketing System: Features and Benefits

ping fu cala 2022 poster 4-9.pdf
This poster showcased an in-house help desk ticketing system developed at the Central Washington University Libraries. The functionality includes a friendly interface, a dropdown list of problem categories, email notification, ticket monitoring and…

Position: 439 (272 views)