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The Experience of International Students at Cross-Border University Libraries
This article describes the results of a small research study investigating international student library use and perceptions in a cross-border setting. The graduate degree program at the center of this study is a binational joint degree M.A. program…
Position: 928 (58 views)
Hollywood Made in China
"This book comes highly recommended in the academia for the study of film/media and Sino-US relations as well as for professionals in the media industry. It also examines the new collaborations of Sino-US media with insightful policy analysis,…
Position: 47 (407 views)
The Good Immigrants: How Yellow Peril Became the Model Minority
"Conventionally, US immigration history has been understood through the lens of restriction and those who have been barred from getting in. In contrast, The Good Immigrants considers immigration from the perspective of Chinese elites-- intellectuals,…
Position: 124 (365 views)
Escape to Gold Mountain: A Graphic History of the Chinese in North America
This book has won the 2013 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Fiction).
Position: 173 (342 views)
Dragon Road: Golden Mountain Chronicles: 1939
This book has won the 2009 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Young Adult Books).
Position: 134 (361 views)
Steer Toward Rock
This book has won the 2009 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Fiction).
Position: 217 (328 views)
Mei Ling in China City
This book has won the 2009 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Non-Fiction).
Position: 270 (316 views)
Congress and the U.S.-China Relationship: 1949-1979
This book has won the 2008 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Non-Fiction).
Position: 223 (327 views)
Comparative study of academic digital copyright in the United States and Europe
The advent of Internet and digital media has added more complications to the already complex copyright laws. This paper will first summarize the history of copyright laws in the United States and Europe. It will then analyze and compare the digital…
Position: 193 (334 views)
Libraries as gateways of learning and librarians as capable facilitators
Investigating and discussing how librarians in academic libraries change their roles and services following the changes in the libraries due to emerging technologies applied in the libraries.
Position: 67 (393 views)
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CALA Newsletter, No. 124, Spring 2021
The CALA Newsletter is the official publication of the Chinese American Librarians Association, and it disseminates information about Chinese American…