Browse Items (6 total)
- Subject is exactly "Teaching"
“Collaboratively Teaching and Doing History: Promoting Historical Research in the 21st Century,”
Position: 279 (323 views)
Beyond Traditional Librarianship: Engage Teaching Faculty through an International Educational Exchange Program
Tags: International collaboration, International Educational Exchange, Librarians, Librarianship, Teaching Faculty
Position: 155 (360 views)
Establishing a Vibrant Information Literacy Program in the Absence of Curriculum Mandate: A Case Study
Tags: Collaboration, Grant, Information literacy, innovation, Pedagogy
Position: 926 (68 views)
Reflections in teaching a LIS course in the changing world
Tags: Catalogers, Cataloging, Course content, Effective teaching, Information Organization, Library schools, Metadata, Teaching
Position: 492 (247 views)
Teaching a cataloging/metadata course in a changing world: Experience and reflection
Tags: Catalogers, Cataloging, Course content, Effective teaching, Information Organization, Library schools, Metadata, Teaching
Position: 528 (225 views)
Transition from the face-to-face to the online lecturing for a LIS course “Metadata Creation for Information Organization”: outlook and preparation
Tags: Catalogers, Cataloging, Content management system, Course content, Effective teaching, Information Organization, Library schools, Metadata, Online teaching, Teaching
Position: 463 (263 views)
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Automated processing of massive audio/video content using FFmpeg
Coding and using FFmpeg created for automated processing AV materials.