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  • Subject is exactly "Research"

CALA Academic Resources System

Position: 428 (264 views)

Information Representation

Research Fronts in Library and Information Science (LIS) in the West is a volume in the book series titled Research Fronts in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the West. Based on the analysis of a significant amount of recently published research…

Position: 127 (362 views)

Creating a Knowledge Map for the Research Lifecycle

Presented at the Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR) 2014 Workshop. Co-located with ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2014, 8th - 12th September 2014, London.

Position: 340 (295 views)

How Librarians Used E-Resources–An Analysis of Citations in CCQ

How are library professionals who do research about bibliographic organization using electronic resources (e-resources) in their journal articles? Are they keeping pace with the use of e-resources outside the library world? What are the e-resources…

Position: 413 (271 views)

Redefining scholarly services in a research lifecycle

The shifting landscape of scholarly communication and lack of a university wide institutional repository led the University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries to develop a unique approach to supporting faculty and student research and scholarship.…

Position: 172 (340 views)