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  • Subject is exactly "Library science"

Barriers in LIS Scholarship in India: Some observations: Some Observations

Although LIS research output, globally, has increased in recent years, why is there a dearth in LIS research from countries like India in the Global South? What barriers and challenges impede LIS researchers’ active participation in scholarly…

Position: 744 (124 views)

Factors Influencing the Choice of Librarianship as a Career Among Students in Tanzania

This study examined factors influencing the choice of librarianship as a career among students in Tanzania. A quantitative research approach, the descriptive survey study design, was adopted for this study. Data was collected using online…

Position: 754 (121 views)

Government College Librarian’s Use of Social Media for Professional Development in Sindh, Pakistan

This study examined the use of social media in professional development by government college librarians of Sindh. Professional development is an integral part of all professions. Librarians and information professionals are required to have…

Position: 922 (70 views)

A Directory to International LIS Education Accreditation Processes: Part II

Let us continue to look at the LIS education accreditation processes across the world in Part II of this directory. This time, readers will find information on the accreditation processes for higher education in general, and LIS education in…

Position: 961 (57 views)

Lives in Data: Prominent Data Librarians, Archivists and Educators Share Their Thoughts

We asked several data librarians, archivists and educators who have had prominent and interesting careers if they would be willing to let us profile them and share some of their thoughts on the field. Six graciously agreed to be interviewed via…

Position: 930 (67 views)

A Directory to International LIS Educational Accreditation Processes: Part I

As academic certification is the major path to enter the Library and Information Services (LIS) professions in many countries around the world, the topic of LIS educational program accreditation also is a related subject of …

Position: 776 (116 views)

Interview Transcription of Ying Zhang

Ying Zhang is the Associate Dean of the Division of Collections Services & Resource Management at the University of Central Florida Libraries, Orlando, FL. Ms. Zhang, a CALA Life member, joined CALA in 1999 and was the President of CALA for…

Position: 504 (243 views)

Interview Transcription of Lian J. Ruan

Dr. Lian J. Ruan is the Head Librarian and Director of IFSI International Programs at the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Ruan, a CALA Life member, joined CALA in 2003 and was the President of…

Position: 491 (248 views)

CALASYS Self-Contribution Training

CALASYS Self-Contribution Training_2.pdf
Training on how to self-contribute to the Chinese American Librarians Association Academic Resource & Repository System (CALASYS). It's conducted by the CALASYS Committee. CALA President Ray Pun delivered the opening message for the training…

Position: 17 (464 views)

Path to Leadership: National Forum on Advancing Asian/Pacific Islander American Librarianship - A White Paper

Path to Leadership_ National Forum on Advancing Asian_Pacific Islander American Librarianship - A White Paper.pdf
This IMLS funded project aimed to bridge two major associations focused on supporting Asian American and Pacific Islander library workers to identify collaborative opportunities to engage with the larger community of APIA library workers and their…

Position: 414 (283 views)