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  • Subject is exactly "Knowledge management"

Chinese Culture and Heritage: A Wikidata Project

Wikidata Affinity Group Presentation (12.2023).pdf
A Wikidata project on Chinese culture and heritage presented at the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Meeting on December 12, 2023. The talk provided an overview of the project’s scope, primary sources, data models for poets and historical places, and the…

Position: 850 (102 views)

Represent Changes of Knowledge Organization Systems on the Semantic Web

Traditional knowledge organization systems (KOS) including thesauri, classification schemes, taxonomies, subject heading systems, name authorities, and other lists of terms and codes have been playing important roles in indexing, information…

Position: 922 (70 views)

Unveil hidden gems: Improving discoverability of Ming Qing Women Poets and their poetry works through Wikidata

Unveil Hidden Gems_ALA2023.pdf
Traditionally, special collections featuring cultural heritage materials, and related authority data on authors and works, have been created using conventional cataloging standards with limited data interoperability. To increase accessibility and…

Position: 606 (184 views)

Enhance the Discovery and Interoperability of Culturally Rich Information: the Chinese Women Poets WikiProject

ALA 2022 poster v4.pdf
Traditionally, special collections such as culture and heritage collections and their name authority data were cataloged using local cataloging standards with limited data interoperability. The library community has questioned for a number of years…

Position: 21 (449 views)

Using Wikidata to Create Knowledge Graphs for Library Collections

As a Linked Open Data (LOD) platform for structured data, and a community-building knowledge base, Wikidata stores people, spaces, times and other entities, and their semantic relationships. Wikidata Knowledge graph is a knowledge base that…

Position: 250 (332 views)

Knowledge Management Initiatives at Illinois State Fire Academy Library

Knowledge Management Initiatives at Illinois State Fire Academy Library.pdf
The Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a state statutory fire academy that provides training, education, information, and research to firefighters. The IFSI Library provides fire and emergency library and…

Position: 377 (297 views)

Zhishi Guanli de Lilun yu Shijian

This book discusses the background and needs for information management, the current research state for information management, information strategy and the design of motivation theory.

Position: 77 (399 views)

Using blogs for knowledge management in libraries

This paper describes the concept of knowledge management and its twofold mission in libraries. It introduces the definition and types of blogs and analyzes their technical and cultural characteristics; it also makes a comparison between blogs and…

Position: 85 (393 views)