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  • Subject is exactly "Information visualization"

Measuring an Academic Library’s Performance and Service: A Case Study in Georgia Southern University Library

This paper shares the Georgia Southern University Library’s experience of LibQUAL in user-centered and service-oriented academic learning environment. On the basis of reviewing the library literature on LibQUAL, this study presents the process of…

Position: 894 (78 views)

Using Wikidata to Create Knowledge Graphs for Library Collections

As a Linked Open Data (LOD) platform for structured data, and a community-building knowledge base, Wikidata stores people, spaces, times and other entities, and their semantic relationships. Wikidata Knowledge graph is a knowledge base that…

Position: 262 (318 views)

Free Tools for Data Wrangling, Analysis, and Visualization

Free Tools for Data Wrangling, Analysis, and Visualization.pdf
From internal assessment for data driven decision making to external support for faculty and student research, librarians need tools to prepare, analyze, and present data. Often times, tools are associated with a license cost or a deep learning…

Position: 612 (173 views)