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Barriers in LIS Scholarship in India: Some observations: Some Observations
Although LIS research output, globally, has increased in recent years, why is there a dearth in LIS research from countries like India in the Global South? What barriers and challenges impede LIS researchers’ active participation in scholarly…
Tags: India, LIS research, LIS Scholarship
Position: 743 (124 views)
Factors Influencing the Choice of Librarianship as a Career Among Students in Tanzania
This study examined factors influencing the choice of librarianship as a career among students in Tanzania. A quantitative research approach, the descriptive survey study design, was adopted for this study. Data was collected using online…
Position: 752 (121 views)
Government College Librarian’s Use of Social Media for Professional Development in Sindh, Pakistan
This study examined the use of social media in professional development by government college librarians of Sindh. Professional development is an integral part of all professions. Librarians and information professionals are required to have…
Position: 922 (70 views)
A Directory to International LIS Education Accreditation Processes: Part II
Let us continue to look at the LIS education accreditation processes across the world in Part II of this directory. This time, readers will find information on the accreditation processes for higher education in general, and LIS education in…
Tags: LIS accreditation
Position: 962 (56 views)
Modeling Time-to-Acceptance for ISI-Indexed Journals in the Profession of Library and Information Science
There are many factors affecting review duration after a paper has been submitted to a journal. Developing a time-to-acceptance model of each journal for the whole time span from submission to acceptance can help researchers when they are selecting…
Position: 926 (68 views)
The Development of Data Science Education in China from the LIS Perspective
The aim of this paper is to introduce the development of data science in higher education in China, including the policy and educational programs at various levels. We investigated the data science education of five LIS (Library and Information…
Position: 913 (75 views)
Interview Transcription of Lian J. Ruan
Dr. Lian J. Ruan is the Head Librarian and Director of IFSI International Programs at the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Ruan, a CALA Life member, joined CALA in 2003 and was the President of…
Position: 491 (248 views)
Zhishi Guanli de Lilun yu Shijian
This book discusses the background and needs for information management, the current research state for information management, information strategy and the design of motivation theory.
Position: 75 (399 views)
Problems of JCR categories: Information Science & Library Science
Introduction and Method
The Impact Factor, IF, ranking of journals in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), influences journals’ academic evaluation and the IF ranking which is closely related to its journal’s category. The author has analyzed 88…
The Impact Factor, IF, ranking of journals in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), influences journals’ academic evaluation and the IF ranking which is closely related to its journal’s category. The author has analyzed 88…
Tags: Citation Analysis, Information Science and Library Science, JCR CategoryRemove, Journal Classification, Library and Information Science
Position: 139 (371 views)