Browse Items (2 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Information Literacy (IL)"

What Five Minutes in the Classroom Can Do to Uncover the Basic Information Literacy Skills of Your College Students A Multiyear Assessment Study

Objective – Librarians at Rider University attempted to discern the basic information literacy (IL) skills of students over a two year period (2009-2011). This study aims to
explore the impact of one-session information literacy instruction on…

Position: 387 (286 views)

Faculty-Librarian Collaboration in Improving Information Literacy Skills of Educational Opportunity Program

Purpose – This study aims to examine the instruction of basic information literacy (IL) skills taught
to the socio-economically disadvantaged students in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at
Rider University in summer 2011. The study set…

Position: 164 (347 views)