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  • Subject is exactly "Historical fiction"

Stories Beyond Borders: A Chinese American and Diasporic Reading List

Stories Beyond Border - A Chinese American and Diasporic Reading List.pdf
Created to commemorate the Chinese American Librarians Association’s 50th Anniversary, Stories Beyond Borders features children’s, middle grade, and young adult books centering Chinese American and diasporic voices. Rooted in different parts of the…

Position: 1 (1242 views)

Superman Smashes the Klan

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In 1946, Lan-Shin (Roberta) Lee and her family move out of Chinatown to central Metropolis and attempt to fit in with the neighbors. But when the Klan begins harassing the Lees, Roberta teams up with new friends to help Superman take down the Klan in…

Position: 603 (175 views)

Luck of the Titanic

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Valora "Val" Luck, a biracial teenager, seeks to reunite with her twin brother Jaime and is convinced that a famous circus founder aboard a new British ocean liner—the Titanic—will hire the siblings for their acrobatic skills. She is determined to…


Position: 614 (171 views)

Paper Son: The Inspiring Story of Tyrus Wong, Immigrant and Artist

Paper Son- The Inspiring Story of Tyrus Wong, Immigrant and Artist.jpg
Wong Geng Yeo traveled over a vast ocean from China to America as a paper son. He became Tyrus Wong, an artist who changed the animation world through his background art in Bambi. Though he did not get proper credit for this hard work, his story…

Position: 550 (199 views)

Peony in Love

This book has won the 2008 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Fiction Honorary Mention).

Position: 266 (317 views)