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  • Subject is exactly "Ethnology"


This is one of the books in the series "Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record," Volume 12 . This series consists of reprints of western books about China in the public domain, with Chinese introductions and translations of the books’ main…

Position: 480 (243 views)

Chinese Chicago: Race, Transnational Migration, and Community Since 1870

This book has won the 2013 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Non-Fiction).

Position: 275 (315 views)

Princess Peacock: Tales from the Other Peoples of China

This book fills a gap in the folklore literature by offering representative folktales from China's minorities, as well as background information on each of the ethnic groups. You'll find more than 50 fantastic and engaging tales, such as Princess…

Position: 424 (269 views)