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  • Subject is exactly "Digital humanities"

Name Authority Control in Digital Humanities: Building a Name Authority Database of Shanghai Library

Libraries as a type of social institution have a long history of collecting, preserving and spreading the knowledge of mankind and have cumulated a vast amount of highly structured data conforming to library and information standards. Among these…

Position: 887 (91 views)

Adding Linked Open Data to a Digital Humanities Collection in Alma

Working with Digital Initiatives, digital humanities and history faculty members, the Metadata Librarian at the University of Central Florida Libraries has added Linked Open Data (LOD) to Ex Libris’ Alma for the PRINT Migration Network: Pemberton…

Position: 683 (156 views)

Using Digital Humanities Initiative To Advance Diversity and Inclusiveness in Your Library and University: Best Practices

Research and reports on Digital humanities (DH) projects have been on the rise and DH has been widely adopted by many libraries across the country. What is Digital Humanities? What does it do to us? What skills do we need to have? What tools do we…

Position: 386 (296 views)

The Development of Digital Humanities and Academic Research in China: A Special Issue of Library Trends

Digital Humanities in China.pdf
The Library Trends is published quarterly for the iSchool by The Johns Hopkins University Press. Each issue explores critical trends in professional librarianship and includes practical applications, thorough analyses, and literature reviews. In the…

Position: 343 (308 views)