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A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity: Chinese Publishing in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity.pptx.pdf
This talk is the third session in the CALA Speaker Series: Describing Chinese Rare Books and Cultural Heritage Collections. It can be accessed via CALA's YouTube channel at: The mid-19th century marked a period of…

Position: 250 (311 views)

讀史管見: 三卷

PubStatement: 日本安政三年 (1856) 浪華書林群玉堂翻刻本
Notes: 1856年日本翻刻本
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 謝方端, 陶所池內

Position: 499 (223 views)

職思齋學文稿: 一卷

Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 徐葉昭自序

Position: 562 (183 views)

繼聲樓古今體詩: 二卷

PubStatement: 清光緒四年-民國二十七年 (1878-1938) 刻本
Notes: 出版年代錄自原圖書館記錄
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 郭遠堂序

Position: 560 (184 views)

紉餘漫草: 一卷

PubStatement: 清抄本
Preface: 伯戊, 韓芝
Colophon: 顧謙, 王秉鈞, 聞人瑞, 瞿驥
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 伯戊, 韓芝序
Contributors to afterword: 顧謙, 王秉鈞, 聞人瑞, 瞿驥跋

Position: 552 (188 views)

張淑蓮詩稿: 一卷

Notes: 國家圖書館集名: 張淑蓮文稿
Worktype: 別集

Position: 647 (149 views)

紅香窠小草: 二卷

Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 王勳序

Position: 641 (152 views)

含烟閣詩: 一卷, 含烟閣詞: 一卷

Preface: 高興
Colophon: 冒襄, 玉溪生, 退蜚老人
Worktype: 別集
Contributors to foreword: 毛鶴舫評, 高舆序
Contributors to afterword: 冒襄, 玉溪生跋, 退蜚老人評

Position: 671 (141 views)

月珠樓吟稿: 一卷

Notes: 海昌麗則十卷之一卷
Preface: 張衢, 吳騫
Worktype: 別集

Position: 673 (140 views)