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  • Subject is exactly "Chinese diaspora"

Stories Beyond Borders: Developing the Chinese American and Diasporic Reading List

Stories Beyond Borders (poster).pdf
Created to commemorate the Chinese American Librarians Association’s (CALA) 50th Anniversary, the Stories Beyond Borders list features children’s, middle grade, and teen books centering Chinese American and diasporic voices. The list was formed…

Position: 646 (158 views)

Stories Beyond Borders: A Chinese American and Diasporic Reading List

Stories Beyond Border - A Chinese American and Diasporic Reading List.pdf
Created to commemorate the Chinese American Librarians Association’s 50th Anniversary, Stories Beyond Borders features children’s, middle grade, and young adult books centering Chinese American and diasporic voices. Rooted in different parts of the…

Position: 1 (1242 views)