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A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: Building A Collaborative Workflow for Digital Collections

In preparation for a migration to a new digital asset management system, the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) Library revamped their workflow for digital collections, taking a fresh look at how physical content that was chosen for digitization…

Position: 776 (116 views)

Automating Cataloging Workflow of Library Traditional Materials

This paper describes the author’s experience with automating and streamlining cataloging workflows of traditional materials at the Florida International University Libraries using a combination of various cataloging tools, including MarcEdit, a local…

Position: 966 (56 views)

CALASYS Metadata Guideline Version 2 (2021)

CALASYS Metadata Guideline_V2.pdf
The CALA Academic Resource & Repository System (CALASYS)’ metadata guidelines. It's created to provide guidance in describing resources to be deposited into CALASYS.

Position: 61 (410 views)

CALASYS Advanced Training

CALASYS Advanced Training.pdf
Advanced training document on how to use and manage the CALA Academic Resource & Repository System (CALASYS), including how to batch load records, create and edit collections and exhibits. It's created by the CALASYS Committee.

Position: 482 (254 views)

CALASYS Self-Contribution Training

CALASYS Self-Contribution Training_2.pdf
Training on how to self-contribute to the Chinese American Librarians Association Academic Resource & Repository System (CALASYS). It's conducted by the CALASYS Committee. CALA President Ray Pun delivered the opening message for the training…

Position: 17 (464 views)

CALASYS Self-Contribution Training (2021)

CALASYS Self-Contribution Training.pdf
Training document on how to self-contribute to the CALA Academic Resource & Repository System (CALASYS). It's created by the CALASYS Committee.

Position: 41 (423 views)

Developing CALASYS in Celebration of CALA 50th

CALA Academic Resource & Repository System (CALASYS) is the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)’s institutional repository. It collects and archives CALA’s programs, documents and history, CALA members’ scholarly and professional…

Position: 610 (182 views)

Growth and New Directions: CALA Academic Resources and Repository System

Growth and New Directions_ CALA Academic Resources and Repository.pdf
The Chinese American Librarians Association’s Academic Resources & Repository System (CALASYS) was established in 2013 and has been growing gradually ever since. To seek sustainable and greater growth in the future, the CALASYS 2019-2020 Committee…

Position: 99 (388 views)

Information Representation

Research Fronts in Library and Information Science (LIS) in the West is a volume in the book series titled Research Fronts in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the West. Based on the analysis of a significant amount of recently published research…

Position: 141 (370 views)

Leveraging AI for Workflow Enhancement in Technical Services: Case Studies from US and Hong Kong Libraries

Leveraging AI for Workflow Enhancement_AIconf2024.pdf
Librarians worldwide are exploring the integration of Large Language Models (LLM), generative AI, and machine learning to enhance bibliographic data and technical service workflows. Recent research conducted by several US and Hong Kong librarians…

Position: 3 (861 views)