CALA Occasional Paper Series (OPS)
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- CALA Occasional Paper Series (OPS)
- CALA Archives
Position: 17 (571 views)
Collection Items
The theory analysis of faculty participation in institutional repositories
Institutional Repositories (IRs) are an innovative mode of scholarly communication, and IRs’ diffusions will likely follow the general rule of innovation diffusion while maintaining their own characteristics. In order to provide a credible guide and…
Using blogs for knowledge management in libraries
This paper describes the concept of knowledge management and its twofold mission in libraries. It introduces the definition and types of blogs and analyzes their technical and cultural characteristics; it also makes a comparison between blogs and…
Organizational and operational optimization of academic library and information technology
In light of the development of the digital library, the deficiencies of collaboration and integration between the Information Technology unit and the Library on campus have created numerous obstacles to maintaining high-quality and effective digital…