- Do you have an account with CALASYS yet? If not, register an account
- Have you read the requirements listed in "How to Contribute?"
- Do you have your files and/or metadata ready?
If your answers to the above questions are Yes, you may proceed with this self-contribution process online:
Submission Process
Step 1: Login to your CALASYS account (Skip this if you already signed in)
Step 2: Fill out the Self-Contribution Form as instructed in the form:
- Choose the type of work from the drop-down list (e.g., Journal Article, Document, Presentation, Poster, Book, Book Chapter, Conference Proceeding, Image, Video, Report).
- Enter metadata information for your work or item: Title, Creator and Date are required elements (if applicable). We also strongly recommend adding values for the following fields: Date Issued, Abstract, Description, Identifier, Rights, Source, and Subject. For example, Source can be used for published articles to indicate URI, journal name, etc.
- Upload your file (if any, pdf, ppt, png, jpg, mov, mp4).[ recommends a single file size limit of 128 MB for uploading. If you have files exceeding the limit, please contact CALASYS.]
Note: Be sure to check "I agree to the Terms and Conditions" and click "Contribute" to complete the process.
Step 3: Check for submission status
- Upon submission, the website will display a thank you note with links for you to make another contribution or browse the archive to view your submission.
- You will also receive a confirmation with URL from the system in the email you registered on the CALASYS site.
- Your submission will be public on the CALASYS site after a CALASYS administrator reviews it.