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  • Tags: Library linked data

Leveraging AI for Workflow Enhancement in Technical Services: Case Studies from US and Hong Kong Libraries

Leveraging AI for Workflow Enhancement_AIconf2024.pdf
Librarians worldwide are exploring the integration of Large Language Models (LLM), generative AI, and machine learning to enhance bibliographic data and technical service workflows. Recent research conducted by several US and Hong Kong librarians…

Position: 3 (861 views)

Linked Data in a Nutshell: A Starter Kit of Selected Annotated Bibliography and Resources for Academic Librarians: Part Two

It has been a decade since Tim Berners-Lee coined Linked Data in 2006. More and more Linked Data datasets have been made available for information retrieval on the Web. It is essential for librarians, especially academic librarians, to keep up with…

Position: 908 (80 views)

Adding Linked Open Data to a Digital Humanities Collection in Alma

Working with Digital Initiatives, digital humanities and history faculty members, the Metadata Librarian at the University of Central Florida Libraries has added Linked Open Data (LOD) to Ex Libris’ Alma for the PRINT Migration Network: Pemberton…

Position: 685 (154 views)