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  • Tags: Collaboration

Grantseeking, Technology Renovation, and Creative Solutions to Support Library Access and Online Teaching and Learning During the Global COVID-19 Outbreak

The sudden global epidemiological outbreak in early spring 2020 challenged the academic libraries’ Access and Resource Sharing (ARS) department and prevented staff from providing the types of essential services that its users expect and require. With…

Position: 913 (68 views)

Establishing a Vibrant Information Literacy Program in the Absence of Curriculum Mandate: A Case Study

This article describes how the Skillman Library at Lafayette College uses internal grants to successfully integrate information literacy into upper-level courses. There is a general consensus among faculty grant recipients that …

Position: 926 (59 views)

Beyond Translation -- Translating VRA Core 4.0 into Chinese

Forming its shape in 1996, VRA (Visual Resources Association) Core, now in its 4.0 version, has established itself as the internationally recognized metadata standard for describing works of visual culture and their surrogates. It has been integrated…

Position: 4 (778 views)

Counterstorytelling and Collaboration: Developing the CALA/YALSA Booklist Taskforce

Counterstorytelling & Collaboration (Chen).png
In early 2021, CALA and YALSA developed a taskforce that, in collaboration with ALSC, will create youth booklists highlighting Chinese American creators and stories. The booklists will be released in 2023 in celebration of CALA’s 50th Anniversary.…

Position: 249 (320 views)

Student Success, a Library Case in Supporting Student Success

Reynolds Libraries have offered a display of student projects called the “Reynolds Student Expo” for the past three years. Faculty from all disciplines and programs are invited to take part; they select their best student projects to represent their…

Position: 217 (328 views)

Organizational and operational optimization of academic library and information technology

In light of the development of the digital library, the deficiencies of collaboration and integration between the Information Technology unit and the Library on campus have created numerous obstacles to maintaining high-quality and effective digital…

Position: 125 (365 views)

Using internal grant to foster faculty-librarian collaboration

As colleges and universities begin to globalize their curriculums and to include global readiness in their institutional missions, New Jersey City University (NJCU) has provided grants that strongly encourage faculty and librarians to collaborate on…

Position: 287 (311 views)

Captivating the students: online library instruction for a psychology class and lessons learned

This paper presents the first attempt of teaching library instruction via a Web-based tutorial for a Psychology and Law online course taught during the summer of 2009 at Rider University. Students received information literacy instruction through the…

Position: 182 (337 views)