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  • Tags: Chinese people


This is one of the books in the series "Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record," Volume 10 . This series consists of reprints of western books about China in the public domain, with Chinese introductions and translations of the books’ main…

Position: 482 (242 views)


This is one of the books in the series "Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record," Volume 10 . This series consists of reprints of western books about China in the public domain, with Chinese introductions and translations of the books’ main…

Position: 488 (239 views)

A southern Chinese city through the eyes of a British missionary: Preliminary analysis of the text of a historical travelogue

Walks in the City of Canton is a book written by John Henry Gray of Christ's College, Cambridge who came to China and stayed as a missionary for many years, and it was published in 1875. This project did a preliminary analysis of the text of this…

Position: 65 (395 views)

China through American eyes: Depictions of the Chinese people and culture in the US print media of the late 19th century

Cultural understanding between the United States and China has been a long and complex process. The period from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century is not only a critical era in modern Chinese history, but also the peak time of…

Position: 150 (354 views)