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  • Tags: Canada

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Institutional Research Data Management Strategies: A Contributive Justice Approach

Research data management (RDM) is a field of emerging concern for academic librarians. As funder agencies increasingly mandate institutions and researchers to ethically and responsibly manage their research data, academic librarians are frequently…

Position: 798 (104 views)

The Experience of International Students at Cross-Border University Libraries

This article describes the results of a small research study investigating international student library use and perceptions in a cross-border setting. The graduate degree program at the center of this study is a binational joint degree M.A. program…

Position: 929 (58 views)

"Discovering" what's changed: A revisit of the OPACS of 260 academic libraries

This paper aims to determine the current usage of next generation online public access catalogs (OPACs) and discovery tools in academic libraries in the USA and Canada.

Position: 73 (390 views)