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- Tags: COVID-19 Pandemic
Academic Libraries in Ghana and Their Strategies for Coping with the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Position: 894 (78 views)
Ensuring Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing in Children through Bibliotherapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Experimental Approach
Tags: Bibliotherapy, COVID-19 Pandemic, Emotional Wellbeing, Experimental study, Psychological Wellbeing, Young Ones
Position: 957 (48 views)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Library Service Delivery in Zimbabwe
Position: 943 (52 views)
COVID-19 and Philippine Academic Libraries
Objectives. The…
Tags: COVID-19 Pandemic, innovation, online services, Philippine academic libraries, pre-during-post pandemic scenario, resilience
Position: 971 (45 views)
Virtualization of Research Data Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic as an Opportunity to Enhance Research Data Support
Tags: Academic Data Centre, COVID-19 Pandemic, Educational technologies, Research Data Management, VirtualResearch Data Services
Position: 957 (48 views)
CALA Members Global Library Engagement: A Reflection on CALA Members Participation in Chinese Library Annual Conferences
Tags: CALA, CALA 21 st Century Librarian Seminar Series, CALA 50th Anniversary, CALA academic sessions, Chinese Library Annual Conferences, COVID-19 Pandemic, EDI, Global library, IFLA, Library Society of China, Think Globally Act Globally, U.S.-China Librarian Collaboration Project
Position: 651 (158 views)
Building a Community with Virtual Programs: QPL’s Story During & After COVID-19 Pandemic
Tags: Chinese Community, COVID-19 Pandemic, Library services, Public services, Queens Public Library, Virtual Programs
Position: 466 (249 views)
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A Magic Steeped in Poison
A tea brewed by Ning leads to the death of her mother and the near demise of her sister. Desperate to save her sister, Ning must compete in a…