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  • Tags: CALA chapters

The hidden treasure -- Elling O. Eide Center

A beautiful space devoted to the culture of Asia has been quietly developing on a tucked-away waterfront property in Sarasota, Florida. This is the Elling O. Eide Center, a non-profit research library and preserve named for its benefactor, Elling O.…

Position: 54 (413 views)

Getting to know SCUA

David Benjamin joined the UCF Libraries as Head of Special Collections & University Archives in September 2015. David comes from the University of Arizona where he was the Assistant Director of the Volkerding Study Center at the Center for Creative…

Position: 70 (404 views)

China through American eyes: Depictions of the Chinese people and culture in the US print media of the late 19th century

Cultural understanding between the United States and China has been a long and complex process. The period from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century is not only a critical era in modern Chinese history, but also the peak time of…

Position: 150 (364 views)

Reaching beyond ourselves: Celebrating 40 years of CALA (1973 - 2013)

The CALA 40th Anniversary Issue, Reaching Beyond Ourselves: Celebrating 40 Years of CALA (1973-2013), is without doubt a unique collection of the Chinese American Librarians Association’s (CALA) history. It contains pictures, biographies, citations…

Position: 5 (660 views)