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  • Tags: CALA chapters

CALA and CALA Chapters Survey Report 2023

Like other professional associations across various fields, CALA has been struggling to sustain membership, specifically recruiting and motivating volunteers and identifying members who can serve as volunteers. To examine the effects of CALA members’…

Position: 482 (242 views)

Linked data in the library

This presentation is a brief introduction to acknowledge the understanding of linked data, which yields hope to link separate objects in a meaningful way. The topic and potential of linked data has been hotly debated and very exciting. However, the…

Position: 42 (411 views)

Working with Faculty to Support Their Teaching and Research

This presentation discusses some basic knowledge and skills for an East Asian Study Libran. To
best serve the faculty and students, the librarians needs to know related academic programs and
faculty expertise, their research interests, courses…

Position: 55 (402 views)

Diving into the university knowledge community:
navigating the expanded role of
the metadata librarian

Metadata librarians' engaging in the university knowledge community is becoming a trend in recent
years. In preparing for this change, it can be challenging for the metadata librarians to step out of the "back room", engage in scholarly…

Position: 129 (363 views)

Library Discovery Services and Tools: Functionalities and Assessments

A presentation discussing the benefits, the challenges, and the evolution of discovery services and tools.

Position: 223 (327 views)

New Library Technologies, Practices, and Impacts: CALA Southeast Chapter and Southwest Chapter Joint Conference

CALA SE & SW Joint Online Conference Schedule.pdf
The conference schedule for CALA Southeast Chapter and Southwest Chapter Joint Conference that took place on June 13, 2016.

Position: 106 (370 views)

Staging Dunhuang Mogao Caves: Treasures from along the Silk Road

Historically a frontier metropolis, Dunhuang was a strategic site along the Silk Road in northwestern China, a crossroads of trade, and a locus for religious, cultural, and intellectual influences since the Han dynasty (206 B.C.E.–220 C.E.). The 492…

Position: 73 (389 views)

A southern Chinese city through the eyes of a British missionary: Preliminary analysis of the text of a historical travelogue

Walks in the City of Canton is a book written by John Henry Gray of Christ's College, Cambridge who came to China and stayed as a missionary for many years, and it was published in 1875. This project did a preliminary analysis of the text of this…

Position: 65 (395 views)