Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Academic Library
A study of subject service in Chinese academic libraries
Position: 244 (333 views)
Building a Specialized Database of the Culture of Yi People
Position: 952 (59 views)
Emerging Technologies and Their Impacts on Academic Libraries, Librarians, and Library Services
Tags: Academic Library, Digital Age, Emerging Technologies, Information Services, Librarians, Web-based
Position: 209 (341 views)
Leveraging Academic Library Information Commons for the 21st Century
Tags: Academic Library, Cutting-Edge Technologies, Emerging Technologies, Information Commons, Reference Services, User Services, Web-based Information Technology
Position: 241 (334 views)
Linked Data in a Nutshell: A Starter Kit of Selected Annotated Bibliography and Resources for Academic Librarians: Part One
Tags: Academic Library, Bibliography, Library Linked Data, Linked Data, Linked Open Data, Semantic Web
Position: 944 (62 views)
Linked Data in a Nutshell: A Starter Kit of Selected Annotated Bibliography and Resources for Academic Librarians: Part Two
Tags: Academic Library, Bibliography, Library linked data, Linked Data, Linked open data, Semantic Web
Position: 908 (79 views)
Organizational and operational optimization of academic library and information technology
Position: 121 (378 views)
The CUNY-Shanghai Library Faculty Exchange Program
Tags: Academic Library, American, Chinese, Exchange, Faculty, International, Librarian
Position: 193 (345 views)
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Amy Wu and the Warm Welcome

This is the third book in the Amy Wu series. Amy is learning all about being Chinese American. Throughout this series, she learns how “imperfect” is…