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  • Tags: Academic Libraries

An International Look at Librarianship: Lessons from Time Abroad in Germany

An International Look at Librarianship_  Lessons from Time Abroad in Germany.pdf
Observations on the academic and public libraries in Germany by an American librarian, with an emphasis on the distinct features of their physical space, access policy, and user experience.

Position: 826 (108 views)

Academic Libraries in Ghana and Their Strategies for Coping with the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic

In March 2020, institutions of higher education shut down in compliance with the directives of the President of Ghana to curb the spread of COVID-19. In July 2020, when the lockdown restrictions were eased, universities resumed teaching, learning,…

Position: 904 (82 views)

The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Library Service Delivery in Zimbabwe

The higher and tertiary education system was greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic leading to tremendous changes in service delivery in academic libraries. All the higher education stakeholders were affected including lecturers, students,…

Position: 948 (60 views)

The Evaluation Experience of Authentication Systems in Pratt Institute Libraries

The Evaluation Experience of Authentication Systems in Pratt Institute Libraries by Cindy Li.pdf
In the past decade, electronic resources have dramatically increased, posing a challenge for academic libraries to explore technologies for authentication to improve accessibility and usability, thereby providing better services for patrons. In this…

Position: 765 (117 views)

Sustainable Academic Libraries: The Experience of Organizing a Sustainable Conference

In 2007, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library kicked off a conference series with the main theme of ‘Academic Librarian.’ In 2016, the fourth conference of the series entitled Academic Librarian 4: Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and…

Position: 919 (72 views)

Investigation of the Email Notice Issue in Aleph

Based on experimental results and existing resources, the paper explored and identified the major contributing factors to the email notice issue, including local administrator status, Aleph client, mail server, Aleph system files, and security…

Position: 940 (64 views)

The Experience of International Students at Cross-Border University Libraries

This article describes the results of a small research study investigating international student library use and perceptions in a cross-border setting. The graduate degree program at the center of this study is a binational joint degree M.A. program…

Position: 944 (62 views)

The Development of Academic Data Services in Canada and China: Profiles of Data Services at Fudan University and the University of Windsor.

A comparative perspective on the development of academic data services at Fudan University in China and at the University of Windsor in Canada.

Position: 942 (63 views)

Measuring an Academic Library’s Performance and Service: A Case Study in Georgia Southern University Library

This paper shares the Georgia Southern University Library’s experience of LibQUAL in user-centered and service-oriented academic learning environment. On the basis of reviewing the library literature on LibQUAL, this study presents the process of…

Position: 884 (91 views)