Browse Items (7 total)
- Subject is exactly "Workflow--Management"
A Hybrid Approach to Library Deaccessioning: A Case Study from the University of Central Florida
Tags: Alma, Batch withdrawal, Bibliographic records withdrawal, Deaccession, Library collections deaccession, Technical documentation
Position: 751 (123 views)
Batch Withdraw Library Materials in Alma
Tags: Alma, Batch withdrawal, Bibliographic records withdrawal, Deaccession, Library collections deaccession, Technical documentation
Position: 877 (96 views)
Report of the ALCTS Metadata Interest Group Meeting. American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Philadelphia, January 2020.
Position: 769 (118 views)
Returning to work during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Report on the ALA Core Metadata Interest Group Meeting, ALA Annual Conference 2022.
Position: 830 (109 views)
Born of Collaboration: The Evolution of Metadata Standards in an Aggregated Environment,
Position: 733 (129 views)
Customized Mapping and Metadata Transfer from Dspace to OCLC to Improve ETD Work Flow
Tags: Crosswalk, Dublin Core Element Set, MARC, MarcEdit, Metadata harvesting, Metadata management, Metadata mapping, Metadata processing, Metadata repurposing, Metadata Workflow, Online Computer Library Center, SOAR, Theses, Work flow, WSU Libraries, XML, XSLT
Position: 190 (348 views)
Optimizing Workflow through Metadata Repurposing and Batch Processing
Tags: Darwin Core, DSpace batch import, Dublin Core Element Set, Excel, Google Summer of Code, MARC, MarcEdit, Metadata management, Metadata processing, Metadata repurposing, Metadata Workflow, Online Computer Library Center, SOAR, WSU Libraries
Position: 232 (338 views)
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The Astonishing Color of After

Leigh Chen Sanders is a biracial teen coping with her mother's suicide. Leigh is convinced her mother has transformed into a bird and is determined to…