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Leveraging AI for Workflow Enhancement in Technical Services: Case Studies from US and Hong Kong Libraries

Leveraging AI for Workflow Enhancement_AIconf2024.pdf
Librarians worldwide are exploring the integration of Large Language Models (LLM), generative AI, and machine learning to enhance bibliographic data and technical service workflows. Recent research conducted by several US and Hong Kong librarians…

Position: 3 (822 views)

Analyzing and Enhancing CMC Biography Subject Headings for Race and Gender

Dr. Rudine Bishop's theory "Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors" explains that children need to see themselves reflected in books and learn about the lives of others. With equity, diversity, and inclusion in mind and to improve access to the…

Position: 619 (166 views)

Information Representation

Research Fronts in Library and Information Science (LIS) in the West is a volume in the book series titled Research Fronts in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the West. Based on the analysis of a significant amount of recently published research…

Position: 127 (362 views)

Automatic Subject Heading Assignment for Online Government Publications Using a Semi-Supervised Machine Learning Approach

As the dramatic expansion of online publications continues, state libraries urgently need effective tools to organize and archive the huge number of government documents published online. Automatic text categorization techniques can be applied to…

Position: 172 (340 views)